Silverstone Parish Council

West Northamptonshire

Silverstone sign.

Clerk and RFO: Ross Sands
Silverstone Parish Council
C/O Silverstone Recreational
Association, Church Street
Silverstone , Northamptonshire
NN12 8XA

Tel: 07494910442

Pocket Parks

Brickle Pocket Park

Brickle Pocket Park

Onley Meadow Pocket Park

Onley Meadow Pocket Park

There are two Pocket Parks in the village that are owned by the Parish Council but each is maintained for nature by its own management group. To contact either group or to offer your services in assisting in their maintenance, contact the Clerk.

Use of Pocket Parks by groups

Although small groups of less than 20 may use the pocket parks for their legitimate purpose without restriction, if any person or organisation wishes to use one or other of the pocket parks for a event that may attract 20 or more, however formal or informal, there is a Parish Council requirement that 6 weeks notice be given to ensure no double booking occurs and that any necessary insurances held are adequate.

For details of what is required and the application procedure see link below