Silverstone Parish Council

West Northamptonshire

Silverstone sign.

Clerk and RFO: Ross Sands
Silverstone Parish Council
C/O Silverstone Recreational
Association, Church Street
Silverstone , Northamptonshire
NN12 8XA

Tel: 07494910442

Street Lighting

Lights along the A413 Lighting in the village including illuminated street furniture is the responsibility of Northamptonshire Highways

Most other street lighting in the village is the responsibility of Silverstone Parish Council with the exception on a number of estates where the lighting remains the responsibility of the Developer unless or until it reaches agreement with the Parish Council to take over the responsibility. Contact the Clerk who will, if necessary, advise you of the appropriate contact.

With regard to the Parish Council adopting street lights in new developments, its policy is to do so but to require an up to date certificate of electrical safety for each light and for the light fitting to conform to the Council's policy of using only l.e.d. type lighting to minimise electricity costs.